Rings have been a symbol of status, power, and love for centuries. They are the perfect accessory to complete any outfit and can be passed down through generations as heirlooms. From simple bands to intricate designs with precious stones, rings come in a variety of styles that cater to different personalities and occasions.

The craftsmanship that goes into making rings is truly remarkable. Skilled jewelers use their knowledge of metals, gemstones, and design principles to create beautiful pieces that are both functional and aesthetically pleasing. Whether it’s an engagement ring or a statement piece worn for special events, rings offer wearers a sense of pride and accomplishment in owning something unique and valuable. In this article, we will delve deeper into the world of rings – exploring their history, significance, and modern-day trends – so that readers can gain a better understanding of this timeless jewelry piece.

The History Of Rings

Origins of the ring can be traced back to ancient civilizations, where they were originally made from materials such as bone and wood. The circular shape of the ring symbolized eternity, with no beginning or end. Rings were used by early societies for a variety of purposes, including as a form of currency and to signify social status.

The cultural significance of rings has evolved over time. In ancient Egypt, rings were worn as a sign of wealth and power, while in ancient Rome they were used to seal important documents. During medieval times, rings became popular as a symbol of love and commitment in marriage ceremonies. Today, rings continue to hold cultural significance in various forms such as wedding bands or championship rings.

The history of rings is not limited to their cultural significance but also their use as an art form. Skilled artisans have been producing intricate designs on rings for centuries, utilizing precious stones and metals such as gold and silver. From the simple band to the most elaborate design, each ring tells its own story.

Overall, the history of rings is rich with both cultural and artistic significance. Despite its humble beginnings with primitive materials like bone and wood, it has evolved into an important aspect of modern society’s jewelry culture. In the subsequent section about types of rings, we will delve deeper into the different styles and designs that have emerged throughout history.

Types Of Rings

Rings come in all shapes and sizes, and they can be made from a variety of materials. One popular trend in the world of rings is ring stacking, which involves wearing multiple rings on one finger. This trend allows for creativity and personal expression, as one can mix and match different types of rings to create a unique look.

When it comes to sourcing materials for rings, ethical sourcing has become increasingly important. Consumers are becoming more aware of the impact that their purchases have on the environment and on people’s lives. Ethical sourcing means that the materials used in rings are obtained in a way that is socially responsible and environmentally sustainable.

There are many different types of rings available, each with its own unique characteristics. Some popular types include gemstone rings, birthstone rings, and eternity bands. Gemstone rings feature precious or semi-precious stones such as diamonds, rubies, or sapphires. Birthstone rings typically feature the wearer’s birthstone as the main stone. Eternity bands are characterized by a continuous row of identical stones around the entire band.

In conclusion, there are many different types of rings available for those who want to express themselves through jewelry. Ring stacking allows for creativity while ethical sourcing ensures that our purchases have a positive impact on society and the environment. Whether you prefer gemstones, birthstones or eternity bands, there is something out there for everyone. Next up: engagement rings – an exciting purchase for anyone looking to take their relationship to the next level!

Engagement Rings

In the world of jewelry, rings have been a symbol of love, commitment, and celebration for centuries. According to a survey conducted by The Knot in 2020, the average cost of an engagement ring is $5,500. This statistic alone shows how much people value the tradition of giving and receiving rings during pivotal moments in their lives.

One way to make a ring even more special is through customization. From choosing the perfect diamond or gemstone to designing a unique setting, customization allows for personal touches that can make a ring truly one-of-a-kind. Many jewelers offer customization services, allowing customers to create their dream ring from scratch or modify an existing design.

However, it’s not just about the aesthetic appeal of a ring. Ethical sourcing has become an important factor in the jewelry industry, particularly when it comes to engagement rings. Customers are increasingly demanding transparency and accountability from jewelers regarding where their diamonds and other materials come from. Many jewelers now offer ethically sourced options for their engagement rings, giving customers peace of mind that their purchase aligns with their values.

In summary, engagement rings hold significant meaning for many couples and can be made even more special through customization. It’s important to consider factors such as ethical sourcing when making this important purchase. Next up: wedding bands – another symbol of love and commitment that deserves just as much attention and consideration as the engagement ring itself.

Wedding Bands

Wedding bands are a symbol of love and commitment between two individuals. They are typically worn on the ring finger of the left hand, as it is believed that this finger has a direct connection to the heart. While wedding bands come in a variety of styles and designs, their significance remains universal.

Custom designs offer couples the opportunity to create something unique and special for their wedding day. Many jewelers offer custom design services, allowing couples to choose everything from the type of metal used to the shape and size of the band. Custom designed wedding bands can be engraved with meaningful messages or symbols that represent the couple’s love for one another.

Wedding bands also hold significant cultural value. In some cultures, it is customary for both partners to wear matching wedding bands as a sign of their commitment to each other. In other cultures, only one partner wears a wedding band as a symbol of their devotion to their spouse. The tradition of exchanging wedding bands dates back centuries and continues to be an important aspect of weddings today.

When selecting a wedding band, there are several factors to consider such as budget, style preference, and cultural traditions. Couples should take time to find a design that reflects their unique personalities while still honoring the symbolism behind wearing a wedding band. Whether choosing a traditional style or creating a custom design, a wedding band represents the love and devotion between two people.

Transition: Now that we’ve covered the importance of wedding bands in representing love and commitment, let’s move onto another type of ring that holds significant meaning – promise rings.

Promise Rings

Promise rings are a symbol of commitment and devotion between two individuals. They represent the promise of love, loyalty, and dedication to each other. Similar to engagement rings, promise rings signify a special bond between two people who are committed to being together for the long haul. The meaning behind promise rings is often personal and unique, but most importantly, it represents a significant milestone in a relationship.

When choosing the perfect promise ring, there are several factors to consider. Firstly, it is important to understand the meaning behind the ring and what it symbolizes. This will help you choose a design that resonates with you and your partner’s personalities and beliefs. Secondly, consider the material of the ring; whether it be gold, silver or platinum – pick one that fits your style and budget. Finally, think about how you will present the ring as this can also add an extra layer of sentimentality.

The significance of promise rings dates back centuries in history when they were given as tokens of love and commitment. Today, they continue to hold a special place in our hearts as a reminder of our commitment to our loved ones. Promise rings come in different styles such as simple bands or those adorned with jewels or engravings. Ultimately, what matters most when choosing the perfect promise ring is its significance to you and your partner.

In summary, promise rings carry immense meaning behind them – representing love and commitment between two individuals who have decided to take their relationship to another level. When choosing the perfect one for you or your loved one, always remember its significance as well as its aesthetic appeal. Promise rings are not just jewelry pieces; they are symbols of love that will be cherished forever by both parties involved.

As we move on from discussing Promise Rings’ meaning and importance in relationships let’s take a closer look at birthstone rings – another type of symbolic jewelry that can represent something deeply personal about an individual’s identity.

Birthstone Rings

Promise rings have become increasingly popular in recent years, with couples using them as a symbol of commitment before becoming engaged. However, there are other types of rings that hold just as much symbolism and meaning. Birthstone rings, for example, can be customized to represent one’s birth month and personality traits associated with it.

Custom designs are a popular choice for birthstone rings, allowing individuals to incorporate their own style and preferences into the piece. In addition to representing one’s birth month, birthstones are also believed to bring good luck and positive energy. Some people even choose to wear multiple birthstone rings to combine the energies of different months.

The symbolism and meaning behind birthstones can vary depending on culture and tradition. For instance, garnet is often associated with love and passion in Western cultures but represents protection and healing in Indian culture. Understanding the significance of each stone can add an extra layer of meaning to a birthstone ring.

Overall, birthstone rings offer a unique way to express oneself through jewelry while carrying meaningful symbolism. In the next section, we will explore another type of ring that holds historical significance: signet rings.

Signet Rings

Signet rings, also known as seal rings, have been around for centuries and are steeped in history and tradition. These rings were originally used to create a unique signature or seal on important documents and letters. Today, signet rings are considered a fashion statement and are worn by both men and women.

Interestingly, the cultural significance of signet rings has varied over time and across different cultures. In ancient Rome, signet rings were exclusively worn by high-ranking officials to denote their status. In medieval Europe, they were used as a symbol of family heritage and were often passed down from generation to generation. In modern times, signet rings have become more personalized with people engraving their initials or symbols that hold personal significance.

Ring engraving styles also add to the uniqueness of signet rings. Some popular engraving styles include monogramming, cresting, and stone setting. Monogramming involves engraving one’s initials onto the ring while cresting involves adding a family crest or coat of arms on the ring’s face. Stone setting is when precious stones such as diamonds or sapphires are added to the ring’s face for extra sparkle.

Overall, signet rings hold significant cultural value in various societies throughout history. They have evolved from being strictly utilitarian objects to becoming fashionable accessories that represent individuality and personal style.

As we move towards statement rings in our subsequent section topic, it is worth noting that these types of rings have become increasingly popular in recent years due to their ability to make a bold fashion statement. Statement rings come in all shapes and sizes, from oversized cocktail rings with colorful gemstones to simple bands with intricate designs etched into them. Whether you choose an ornate piece or something more understated, statement rings allow wearers to express themselves creatively through their jewelry choices.

Statement Rings

Statement Rings are a bold and fashionable accessory that can be used to make an eye-catching statement. They come in a variety of styles, such as brightly coloured stones set in gold or silver, intricate designs with filigree details, or bold shapes with gemstones. Wearing Statement Rings can be beneficial in that they can be used to express personal style, show off an outfit, and add a touch of sophistication to any look. Additionally, they can be used to make a fashion statement and draw attention to the wearer’s hands and fingers.

Types Of Statement Rings

Bold designs and unique materials are what make statement rings stand out from the crowd. These eye-catching pieces of jewelry can be worn alone or paired with other accessories to create a truly unforgettable look. From oversized gemstones to intricate metalwork, there is no shortage of options when it comes to choosing a statement ring that suits your personal style.

One popular type of statement ring is the celebrity statement ring. These pieces are often inspired by the rings worn by famous personalities on red carpets and in magazines. They can feature large diamonds, colorful gemstones, or unique shapes that reflect the wearer’s individuality. Whether you’re looking to make a bold statement or simply add some glamour to your everyday wardrobe, a celebrity-inspired statement ring is sure to turn heads.

Another type of statement ring that has gained cultural significance in recent years is the mood ring. Originally popularized in the 1970s, mood rings change color depending on the wearer’s emotions. Today’s versions often feature more sophisticated technology, allowing for more accurate readings of emotional states. Whether you believe in their mystical properties or simply appreciate their unique aesthetic appeal, mood rings are an interesting and fun addition to any jewelry collection.

Finally, there are many types of statement rings that draw inspiration from cultural traditions around the world. From Native American turquoise and coral rings to African beaded designs, these pieces celebrate diverse cultures and offer a glimpse into their rich histories. Whether you’re interested in exploring your own heritage or simply appreciate the beauty of these traditional designs, cultural-inspired statement rings are a fascinating way to express yourself through jewelry.

In conclusion, there is no shortage of types of statement rings available today. Bold designs and unique materials make each piece truly one-of-a-kind, while celebrity-inspired styles, mood rings, and culturally significant designs offer something for every taste and interest. Whether you’re looking for an accessory that makes a statement about who you are or simply want to add some sparkle to your wardrobe, statement rings are a versatile and stylish choice.

Benefits Of Wearing Statement Rings

Statement rings have become a staple in modern fashion as they add fashionable embellishments to any outfit. They are versatile accessories that can be worn on various occasions, from casual outings to special events. Statement rings can be made of various materials, such as precious metals, gemstones, and even unconventional materials like wood or resin. Apart from their aesthetic value, statement rings also carry emotional significance for many individuals.

One of the benefits of wearing statement rings is that they can boost one’s confidence and self-expression. These bold and unique pieces of jewelry allow wearers to make a statement about their personality and style without saying a word. Statement rings can also serve as conversation starters or icebreakers, helping individuals connect with others who share similar interests or tastes.

Another advantage of wearing statement rings is that they can enhance one’s mood and overall well-being. Some people believe that certain types of gemstones or crystals used in statement rings have healing properties that promote emotional balance, positivity, and relaxation. Mood rings are also said to reflect the wearer’s emotional state, providing insight into their feelings and emotions.

In addition to their aesthetic and emotional benefits, statement rings can also serve practical purposes. For example, some statement rings feature intricate metalwork or engravings that symbolize personal achievements or milestones. Others may act as functional accessories with hidden compartments for storing small items like medication or emergency contact information.

In summary, wearing statement rings offers numerous benefits beyond just adding a fashionable touch to an outfit. These pieces of jewelry allow individuals to express themselves creatively while also providing emotional and practical advantages. Whether you choose a celebrity-inspired design or opt for something more culturally significant, there is no denying the impact that a well-chosen statement ring can have on your overall style and well-being.

Ring Materials

When it comes to choosing the material for your ring, there are two main factors to consider: durability and aesthetics. While some materials may look stunning, they might not be able to withstand daily wear and tear. On the other hand, some materials are incredibly durable, but they may not have the same visual appeal as other options. Therefore, it is essential to choose a material that balances both aspects.

One thing to consider when selecting a ring material is its environmental impact. Many jewelry makers are now offering eco-friendly options, such as recycled metals or lab-grown diamonds. Not only do these materials reduce the environmental impact of mining and manufacturing processes, but they can also be cost-effective alternatives to traditional materials. Choosing eco-friendly options can help you make a sustainable choice for your ring without sacrificing quality or style.

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Another material option gaining popularity in recent years is wood. Wooden rings offer a unique and natural aesthetic that cannot be achieved with metals or gemstones. However, wood rings require proper care and maintenance to ensure their longevity. It is important to keep them away from water and moisture as much as possible and apply protective coatings periodically.

In summary, choosing the right ring material requires balancing durability with aesthetics while considering eco-friendly options. By doing so, you can make an informed decision about your ring’s sustainability without sacrificing its beauty or quality. In the next section, we will explore how gemstones can enhance the overall look of your ring design while adding significance and symbolism.”

Gemstones In Rings

Having discussed the various materials used in rings, it is now time to shift our focus onto another important aspect of ring design: gemstones. Gemstones have been used in jewelry for centuries, and they continue to be an essential element in modern ring designs. From diamonds to sapphires to emeralds, there are countless types of gemstones that can be incorporated into a ring.

One crucial factor to consider when selecting a gemstone for a ring is the cutting technique that was used on the stone. Gem cutting techniques can significantly impact how light interacts with the stone, which affects its overall appearance. Some popular cutting techniques include faceting, cabochon cutting, and rose cutting. Faceting is perhaps the most common technique and involves creating flat surfaces on a stone’s surface to reflect light back to the viewer. Cabochon cutting involves shaping a stone into a smooth dome without any facets, while rose cutting produces triangular facets arranged in a circular pattern.

When it comes to choosing specific gemstones for rings, there are several popular options that many designers incorporate into their pieces. Diamonds remain one of the most sought-after stones due to their brilliance and durability. Sapphires are also well-loved for their vibrant blue hues, while rubies add a pop of bold color with their deep red shades. Emeralds are another favorite as they offer an elegant touch of green.

Overall, gemstones play an essential role in ring design and can completely transform the look and feel of a piece. By considering different gem cutting techniques and incorporating popular stones like diamonds, sapphires, rubies, and emeralds into designs, jewelers can create stunning rings that are sure to impress wearers and admirers alike. In the next section, we will explore some fundamental ring design principles that every jewelry lover should know.

Ring Design Principles

When designing rings, durability should be a top priority. Ensuring that the ring can withstand regular wear and tear is essential in creating a lasting piece of jewelry. Additionally, ring design should focus on proportion. Finding the perfect balance between the width of the shank and the size of the stone is key to creating a visually pleasing piece. Finally, the finishing of a ring should also be considered. Achieving the perfect polish, whether matte or glossy, is necessary for the overall look of the ring.


The durability of a ring is a crucial aspect of its design principles that cannot be overlooked. A well-made ring should be able to withstand the test of time without losing its structural integrity, shine or luster. It is essential for a jewelry designer to consider various factors such as materials used, manufacturing process, and ring customization options to ensure that their products are durable.

Firstly, the choice of materials used in making a ring plays a significant role in determining its durability. Materials such as gold, platinum, and palladium are known for their strength and resistance to corrosion. On the other hand, materials like silver and copper tend to tarnish quickly and may not be suitable for daily wear. Jewelry designers need to consider these factors when selecting materials to use in their designs.

Secondly, the manufacturing process also affects the durability of a ring. A well-made ring should have no weak points or visible seams that can easily break or come apart after several wears. The production process should involve careful planning and execution to ensure that every part of the ring is structurally sound.

Lastly, eco-friendly options can also contribute to the durability of a ring. Eco-friendly metals like recycled gold and platinum are not only sustainable but also durable since they are made from high-quality materials. Additionally, using eco-friendly processes during production reduces waste and pollution which enables designers to create rings with minimal environmental impact.

In conclusion, designing durable rings requires careful consideration of various factors such as material selection, manufacturing processes, and eco-friendly options. By incorporating these elements into their designs, jewelry designers can create beautiful and long-lasting pieces that customers will cherish for years to come.


Another essential factor to consider when designing rings is proportion. Proportion refers to the relationship between different elements of a ring such as the size and shape of the setting, the width of the band, and the size and cut of the gemstones. Achieving proper proportion in a design ensures balance and symmetry in the piece.

Balance is crucial in creating visually appealing jewelry. When designing a ring, it is essential to ensure that each element complements the others. For example, a large stone should be balanced with an appropriate setting size and band width to create harmony in the design. Conversely, too many small stones can make a ring look cluttered and unbalanced.

Symmetry is another critical aspect of proportion in ring design. A symmetrical design creates balance through repeating patterns or shapes. In contrast, an asymmetrical design creates visual interest by using varying shapes or sizes to create an unconventional yet balanced appearance.

In conclusion, achieving proper proportion in ring design is vital for creating beautiful and well-balanced pieces of jewelry. By considering factors such as balance and symmetry when selecting elements for their designs, jewelry designers can create unique pieces that are both aesthetically pleasing and structurally sound.


As jewelry enthusiasts, we must know that ring design principles go beyond the aesthetics and the selection of materials. A well-crafted ring requires attention to detail in every aspect, including finishing. Different ring finishes can significantly impact the overall look and feel of a piece, making it essential to understand their effects on the design. Finishing is a crucial step in the production process that involves polishing techniques to give a ring its final appearance.

There are various types of finishes that jewelers use to enhance the beauty of rings. One common method is high-polish finish, which gives a smooth and reflective surface, adding an elegant touch to any design. Satin finish, on the other hand, provides a matte or brushed texture that creates depth and contrast in a piece. Hammered finish involves creating dents or marks on metal surfaces using different tools to achieve an organic and unique look.

Polishing techniques also play a significant role in achieving different finishes for rings. Hand polishing is one method that many artisans still use today as it allows them greater control over the shaping and smoothing of metals. Machine polishing offers precision and consistency but may not be suitable for intricate designs or delicate materials.

In conclusion, finishing is an important factor in ring design principles that impacts both aesthetics and durability. Understanding different finishes and polishing techniques helps jewelry designers create unique pieces that reflect their artistic vision while ensuring structural integrity. By mastering these techniques, designers can produce exceptional jewelry pieces with stunning finishes that will stand out from others.

Ring Sizing And Care

Allegory: A ring is like a precious gemstone that embodies the essence of its wearer. It symbolizes love, commitment, and devotion. But sometimes even the most valuable things need some maintenance to retain their beauty and luster. This is where ring cleaning and resizing come into play.

Ring Cleaning: Proper maintenance of your ring will keep it shining bright for years to come. Here are some tips to keep your ring in top-notch condition:

  • Clean your ring regularly with mild soap and water.
  • Use a soft-bristled brush to remove any dirt or debris.
  • Avoid harsh chemicals or abrasive materials that could scratch or damage your ring.
  • Store your ring in a safe place when not wearing it.
  • Take it to a professional jeweler for periodic cleaning and inspection.

Ring Resizing: Sometimes, our fingers change size due to weight fluctuations or age. In such cases, resizing the ring becomes essential to ensure comfort and fit. However, resizing a ring is not always possible, depending on the design and material used. Consult with an expert jeweler before making any changes.

Incorporating these simple practices into your routine will help you maintain the quality and beauty of your precious rings for years to come.

Transition: Now that we’ve covered the basics of caring for your rings let’s take a look at some famous rings throughout history that have captured hearts and imagination alike.

Famous Rings In History

Ring sizing and care are important aspects of maintaining the longevity of a ring. However, beyond its practicality, rings hold great meaning for individuals and cultures worldwide. Ring symbolism is rich and varied, with different designs and gemstones holding significance in various communities.

For instance, wedding rings symbolize the union between two people and the commitment they make to each other. In some cultures, engagement rings feature diamonds as a representation of eternal love. Other rings may represent familial or societal status, while religious groups may use rings as symbols of faith or belonging.

The cultural significance of rings extends beyond individual meanings. For centuries, rings have been used as powerful tools for communication between social classes or political factions. In ancient Rome, signet rings were used to imprint wax seals on official documents as a mark of authenticity. Similarly, in medieval Europe, noble families would exchange signet rings to signify alliances or allegiances.

Despite their long history and cultural importance, ring trends in modern times have shifted towards individual expression rather than traditional symbolism. Today’s consumers seek unique pieces that reflect their personal style rather than conforming to societal norms. As such, jewelry designers experiment with new designs that incorporate unconventional materials such as wood or resin.

As we move forward into an era where tradition is being replaced by innovation and creativity in fashion trends, it is interesting to observe how this shift affects the design of jewelry pieces such as rings. With the rise of technology and changing consumer preferences, we can expect that future ring designs will continue to break away from traditional styles while still retaining some semblance of cultural significance.

Ring Trends In Modern Times

Did you know that ring stacking has become one of the most popular trends in modern times? According to a recent survey conducted by a leading jewelry brand, 80% of women prefer wearing multiple rings on their fingers. This trend has given rise to a new category of jewelry known as stackable rings. These minimalist rings are designed to be worn together and can be mixed and matched to create unique looks.

If you’re looking for ways to incorporate ring stacking into your wardrobe, here are some tips that can help:

  1. Start with a base ring: Choose a simple band or a ring with a small stone as your base ring. This will serve as the foundation for your stack.

  2. Mix metals: Don’t be afraid to mix different metal tones like gold, silver, and rose gold. This adds depth and dimension to your stack.

  3. Vary widths: Play around with different widths of rings in your stack. A thicker band can add balance to smaller, delicate rings.

  4. Experiment with textures: Look for rings with interesting textures like hammered or twisted bands. These can add visual interest to your stack.

Incorporating these tips into your style can help you master the art of ring stacking and create unique looks that showcase your personal style.

As we look at the popularity of ring stacking in modern times, it’s clear that people are moving away from traditional styles and embracing individuality in their fashion choices. Rings have become more than just accessories; they are now an extension of our personalities and an expression of our creativity. In the next section, we’ll explore how rings have been used throughout history as symbols of status and power.

Rings As Symbols Of Status And Power

Rings have been used as symbols of status and power for centuries. These pieces of jewelry have a rich history that dates back to ancient times when they were worn by kings, queens, and other powerful individuals. The symbolic meaning of rings varies across cultures, but they all share a common thread: the idea that rings represent something important.

In Western culture, rings are often given as symbols of love and commitment in marriage. However, throughout history, certain types of rings have been associated with power and status. For example, signet rings were used by ancient civilizations to signify authority and ownership. They would be engraved with a unique symbol or design that represented the individual’s family or rank.

In other cultures such as Ancient Egypt, rings were believed to hold magical powers and were worn as protective talismans. Some Native American tribes also wore rings as symbols of spiritual significance. The Navajo tribe in particular believed that turquoise rings held healing powers and would wear them during ceremonies.

The cultural significance of rings continues to evolve today. From the championship rings awarded in sports to the class rings worn by high school graduates, these pieces of jewelry continue to hold special meaning for individuals and groups alike. Whatever their purpose may be, there is no denying the enduring appeal and symbolism behind the ring.


Rings have been a symbol of love, commitment, status, and power throughout history. From ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics to modern-day fashion trends, rings have been a constant presence in our lives. There are various types of rings which include engagement rings, wedding bands and promise rings. It is essential to consider ring sizing and care when purchasing one as it can affect their longevity.

Famous rings such as the Hope Diamond or the Ring of Gyges have captivated people’s imagination for centuries. Modern ring trends range from minimalist designs to bold statement pieces. Rings continue to be a symbol of status and power in many cultures, with championship rings being an excellent example.

In conclusion, the history of rings is rich with symbolism and meaning. As jewelry writers, we must appreciate the significance that these small accessories hold in our lives. Rings not only signify love but also represent cultural traditions and individual expression. Whether it’s a simple band or an extravagant diamond-encrusted piece, there is no denying that rings will remain an integral part of our personal stories for years to come. As William Shakespeare once said: “My ring I hold dear as my finger.”


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